Sunday, June 29, 2008


Aside from me and Shachi and Ashika, there are 6 students here from the University of Maryland. It's good that they're here. There are 5 girls, named Erika, Jessica, Katlin, Ingrid, and Sara. Also there is one guy, named Jeremy. We're pretty much buddies. He's also my roommate. Everyone else here is coming from India.

One more thing. We have an office at CASP!! It's on the third floor. We have our own desks, and fan and light in the office, and every day a lady brings us coffee or tea. Here's a picture of us in the office:


gary mathews said...

Hi Andrew, It sounds like you are having a pleasant and informative trip. It is fun for me to have been there, so that I can picture you. Are you staying in the rooms at the bottom of the hill by the College? Are the monsoons bothering you at all? Say hello to my friends at Rajagiri if you come across any.

gary mathews said...

Also, are the toilets you are using Indian style or Western?